- I knit. I sew. I draw. I dye.
- I tend to go deep into research and discovery on one endeavor at the time, for an extended period. Sometimes I think so hard I can't switch gears. I am a monotasker.
- I have wicked curly hair.
- I was born in Georgia. But now I live in New Hampshire.
- My parents were born in Georgia and Alabama. But now they live in New Hampshire.
- I live next door to my parents.
- I don't like to swim.
- I have a swimming pool. It's an above ground pool, but we set it up on a hill, so it feels like it's a level ground pool.
- If our pool ever gives way, we need to call my parents quick, because they live at the bottom of the hill.
- I love cake.
Some folks have a list of 100 things. I'm going to do them ten at the time on random occasions. Otherwise nothing else will get done (see Thing 2).
11. I have trouble leaving well enough alone.