Tuesday, May 11, 2010

10 Random Things About Me

  1. I knit.  I sew.  I draw.  I dye. 
  2. I tend to go deep into research and discovery on one endeavor at the time, for an extended period.  Sometimes I think so hard I can't switch gears.  I am a monotasker.
  3. I have wicked curly hair.
  4. I was born in Georgia.  But now I live in New Hampshire.
  5. My parents were born in Georgia and Alabama.  But now they live in New Hampshire.
  6. I live next door to my parents.
  7. I don't like to swim. 
  8. I have a swimming pool.  It's an above ground pool, but we set it up on a hill, so it feels like it's a level ground pool.
  9. If our pool ever gives way, we need to call my parents quick, because they live at the bottom of the hill.
  10. I love cake.
Some folks have a list of 100 things.  I'm going to do them ten at the time on random occasions.  Otherwise nothing else will get done (see Thing 2).

  11.  I have trouble leaving well enough alone.

Monday, May 10, 2010

NH Sheep and Wool Booty

I finished writing my mitten pattern on Friday, and met my self-imposed deadline.  I had a large pile of people in my home on Saturday - it was good to have my week's focus not be solely party prep.  And my reward on Sunday was a day at the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool Festival.

I quickly searched out a roving, a merino from Abi's Web.  I scurried to the Building 13 and spun with the NH Spinners and Dyers Guild.  I was demonstrating what a newbie spinner looks like.

Closures on my sweaters need to speak to me.  I love them most when they are either vintage or handmade. 
Jan Marek Raczkowski (ma sheep&wool, May 29&30) had a great selection of carded vintage buttons. 

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Good Yarn

I am a hamburger and french fries girl.  If the burger and fries come from a non-chain restaurant, better.  If I can lean over and see the cook, ask how his day was, even better.  If the cook makes me a homemade veggie burger and sweet potato fries with horseradish sauce ... oh yeah.

My yarn is the same deal.  I like it local.  I like it inexpensive.  I like using the stuff that others might throw away.  I'll make it work.  I'm the catfish of knitters.  
Recycled Booty

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Most Important Knitting

Twenty years ago I knit this sock in anticipation of our first child.  Our boy was born a little too early and much too ill.  We were much luckier than many parents - we had the chance to enjoy him for six and a half weeks - some folks don't even get a day. My husband carried this sock in his pocket for years.