Monday, August 13, 2012

Summertime Weekending

Just a few recent snapshots from my summer - I like to look back at summery photos in March and April, when the snow is black and the weather is raw.

We spent a weekend at a friend's place on Maranacook Lake in Readfield, Maine.  I had cocktail knitting with me: you know, where one can knit along without thinking.  I need to always have cocktail knitting available, not because I'm always drinking, just because I'm not always thinking.

We visited my Brother-in-Law Matt yesterday at a herding competition. These are his big girls, the girls that grow the wool that makes the yarn that gets dyed and knit up into the sweaters like the one above.

They call him 'Mm-AA-AA-aatt'. He does not answer.
 Have you ever dyed yarn?  I think sometimes that the science of dyeing can be intimidating, and might scare off a few folks.  Don't be scared, come give it a whirl at Fiber College.  I'll be available on Saturday and Sunday with dyepots ready, and it will be as simple as 'swish it in here, swirl it in there, wait a little spell, rinse it out, hooray!' 

 I'm no scientist, but I ain't scared of dyeing.

In other news, the drought seems to be easing up here.  Our mud crop is in full bloom.

I hope your summer is dirty fun as well.


magnusmog said...

Have a blast at Fiber College. I like the look of all that mud. Maybe you could do mud dyeing?!

judy said...

You always make me smile. Love the bridge shot. Haven't seen a dune buggy in years. Have a shot of myself very much like that.. Covered in mud.